Saturday, June 06, 2009

Getting back to normal?

I will no longer be writing about my friend on my blog, as it has become too hurtful to say anything at all. For those who have been following this, your support and kind words have meant a lot to me. I have decided that as long as it isn’t good news, I won’t write about it here. However if you would like to know what is happening, you can email me privately and I will fill you in. I will be keeping up writing, but not posting it here…

I’m going to try to get life back to somewhat of a normal, if I can figure out what normal is.

Relay is pretty much over, although we are still fundraising, we will always be fundraising until the cure has been found. Right now we’re trying to have some fun auctions to get people motivated into trying on-line auctions. I’ve put up a Fight Like A Girl (F.L.A.G.) long sleeve t-shirt for auction, it started at $1 and is up to $5, but it’s worth $18. As soon as I can decide which quilt I want to auction I will be putting one of those up too.

I have lots of t-shirts for auction on eBay so more than just local people can get in on them. I tried it just to see how well they went over, and they’ve done pretty well. I guess they aren’t available all over, so people are buying them on line. Here’s a link to my eBay auctions

And I guess I can get back to sewing again, as soon as I clean up my sewing room. It’s just a tad bid disorganized, with Retreat stuff and Relay stuff and other stuff all over. I need to get rid of that stuff to unbury my sewing stuff. Somewhere in there are two projects I started at the Spring Retreat, one will be a mystery on the Mysteries For Relay group shortly, and I think I should get my sample finished.

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