Sunday, April 26, 2009

Heat Wave

We seem to have gone directly from early spring into late summer, with a terrific heat wave. Of course it has been too cold to have the AC serviced for spring, they said it had to be over 72 to do that. I have an appointment scheduled for Wednesday hoping that it would be over 72. Yesterday it hit 85 outside according to my thermometer, and upstairs in the sewing room it hit a hot 100. I shut down the computer and came down and turned on the AC...

Guess what, it ain't workin! Nope, instead of blowing nice cool air it blows hot air, and within minutes the house was up to 95. Of course I shut down the AC, and opened all the windows, bringing in the cooler (at that time 78) air. As night arrived the house cooled down.

Now it's sunny and hot again, and I've closed up the house, shut all the blinds, and will hope that it stays coolish until tomorrow... I hope tomorrow is cooler outside. But it doesn't look promising, tomorrows forcast is "mostly sunny - 87". AND according to the weather it will be rainy and 70 on Wednesday, and guess who won't get her AC serviced.

Did I mention that this system is just under two years old....

Oh yea... every tree in the state is pollinating which does wonders for my allergies. Which is why we have AC mostly, besides staying cool.

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