Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Yes another post already

I just got an email from a friend through facebook, something I thought couldn’t be done.  I went on facebook to see why, and found lots of posts from friends complaining about changes.  But for the first time ever I managed to maneuver all around facebook easily and even found everything I was looking for, LOL! 

While on there I noticed my security was low, extremely low according to them.  So I clicked to change it.  They ask you to answer one of those security questions.  So what if you don’t know the answers to a single one of their top secret security questions?  How is that going to make it more secure? 

1 comment:

  1. I had that same problem with Facebook but reread the questions and finally realized I did know one of the answers. But honestly -- any of my teachers? you've got to be kidding me. Thank for more pics.


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