Miracles of miracles, the repair man came early, real
early if you consider that my original date of service was August 4th.
This morning while I was sewing… you know, that thing you
do when you are not on line, watching TV or yacking on the telephone, my cell
phone rang. It was Bob from Mediacom and
he asked what was the problem. I said I
had no service, nothing at all. Two
minutes later he called again and asked me to turn on the TV… TWO minutes and
it was all fixed.
He came in the house to make sure everything was working,
and it was, and I thanked him a hundred times.
He laughed and said it was an easy fix, someone had cut our line somehow,
most likely the line men working in the neighborhood. (get it?)
So I checked voice mail, only eleven calls (Cindy I will
call you back shortly). Checked email,
only a few hundred, and I think I’ve replied to all as needed. And facebook… only there is too much to try to catch up on here, but I do see a
few recipes I might save for later.
Now what am I going to do… go back to sewing that’s what!

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