Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Post-Op visit

My friend Kathy told me I forgot to blog yesterday. No I didn’t forget, I just didn’t have anything to say. Monday was a good day, had dinner with my in-laws and went for a ride around town afterward. The ride made me realize I had not been in town or to the beach in over a year… just rides to the Doctor’s office and hospital for me. And sitting at the dinner table for an hour straight made me think that maybe there was still something wrong with my knee…

Let me go back a bit..Monday was a good day, I was feeling great, and the in-laws were coming for dinner. We had steaks but nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, to go with them. I decided I was ready to drive, since I hadn’t taken any of the heavy duty pain meds for almost a week. (My happy pills) Well I needed to go to the grocery store, and I had checks that should go in the bank, and I had a hunk of hair that my hairdresser missed on Saturday… so I drove. I got in the car and drove myself, first time I had driven since early January, and only the second time this year. First I went to the beauty shop, then to the grocery store, and then to the bank… but by time I got to the bank I was feeling it so I only did the drive-thru.

John grilled the steaks, and I’d gotten a green salad and a fruit salad, so there were no dinner preparations. Arden set the table so my job was pretty easy, sit down and enjoy the meal. And I did, the steaks were prefect and the fruit salad so fresh and yummy. We enjoyed a great meal and good conversations. But when I tried to get up from the table my knee felt strange, almost locked in place and it hurt like heck…

Then John decided we needed dessert and a ride, nice idea. Getting into the car was a challenge, knee apparently didn’t want to go for a ride. And when I tried to stand in line at Dairy Queen, I knew the knee wasn’t happy and I had to go sit in the car and wait. Monday night I had a horrible time sleeping, and yesterday I could barely move.

Fortunately today was my post–op visit with the Doc. The Doc was busy, he always is, so I saw Jen the PA. I like her, and I trust her so that was ok by me. She said that my knee was unusually stiff and there was some swelling and fluid which were pretty post-op normal, but the stiffness needed to be worked out. She ordered PT three times a week for the next six weeks and told me to take it easy on it. Somehow that is an oxymoron, PT and take it easy? We’ll see.

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