Sunday, October 10, 2010


This has been interesting, packing the new car for the first time it’s headed to a retreat. I know how much I could fit in an Explorer, and I know how to pack the station wagon too, but my new Escape is smaller and I wasn’t sure what would fit in and/or where it would go. I decided to pack today when John is home to help me, and it’s a good thing. I have lots of extras to take to this retreat, so had to pack carefully… I will also have a passenger, so I need to leave room for her and her stuff too.

I still have to go in my toiletries, my computer case, my sewing basket and a small tote bag… hmmmm… wonder if it’s all going to fit?


  1. you've go LOTS of room left.... well, unless your passenger goes wild! Have a great time. I'm going to figure out fabric for the next mystery.... or at least I think I am!

  2. I never pack stuff higher than the seat backs, since stuff packed that way could be deadly in an accident.


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