Monday, April 09, 2012

Been reading

Not what most people do on Easter weekend, but that’s what I did.  Two whole books.  It wasn’t easy either, with company coming and going.  Well not company really, but Mike and Kelly, who decided last minute to come over to meet a friend’s new baby, attend another friends house warming and even spend some time with us.  It was a nice visit, and we’re excited that the newlyweds are doing so well, hoping life continues to bless them with the happiness they have now. 

But, I started reading The Wedding Quilt sometime on Friday, and as always with any of the Elm Creek Quilts books, I had a hard time putting it down.  I loved how it combined so many of the other books, adding more and tying it all together.  I finished that sometime yesterday and started right into Sonoma Rose and again had a hard time putting it down.

My plans for today were to run a few errands, do laundry and finish a quilt project I’ve started….  this morning while waiting for a friend to come on line for our morning chat I started reading.  And I couldn’t stop…  and now it’s quarter to four and too late to run my errands and there’s a load of laundry waiting to  be folded. 

And now I have to wait for the next book to come out, and I have a feeling that will be a long wait.  But maybe I’ll get something else done in the meantime. 

1 comment:

  1. Marge, the next book is called "The
    giving Quilt" It is coming out in October.


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