Monday, February 22, 2010

OK, I need to slow down

I was skimming my Hotmail emails this morning looking for ones which needed immediate replies. I do this every morning, since I get so many in that account. Some mornings there are 100 in there, and maybe one needs a reply. Most mornings most of them are ads and/or trash, but that’s what happens when you have a published email. It’s ok in that account and I’ve learned to handle it.

My morning routine is skimming all those emails, reading ones that seem quilt related and then going back later and deleting the rest only after making sure they are trash.

Well this morning this one caught my attention….
Still smocking? Learn the immediate & long-term benefits to quilting‏

So I clicked on it… first line was

Learn How to Quit!
Whoa, wait a minute..slow down… read it again…

Yes, I need to slow down...


  1. That's a good one Marge. Looks like the way I read things.

  2. We were at the post office a few weeks ago when my son pointed excistedly to a car that said "QUILT NOW!" Sadly, he'd made the same mistake you did. And now I'm having the same problem reading the word quit.


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