Sunday, January 16, 2011

I took a day off

Saturday was my do nothing day for a few reasons, and that’s exactly what I did, nothing. I watched TV, took a nap, and watched TV some more. Those of you who know me know I don’t like TV so before you second guess me, yes I was a bit under the weather. I should say I listened to TV because I didn’t do much watching with my eyes closed. I woke up with a migraine and the glare of the sun especially off the snow made me close the blinds, and the TV and computer screen were just too bright to handle. So I closed my eyes and listened, and napped just like John does and like my father used to do … watching TV with my eyes closed.

I half watched an interesting program on how state lines were decided, very interesting and I wish I’d seen more of that series. I will be looking for it again and hope to learn more.

I enjoyed this because one of the questions people ask a lot is why is Delaware round at the top… very interesting and if you want to know, go here to find out.

When I travel to Lancaster for the Retreats I have to pass through Maryland before I get to Pennsylvania right at the wedge. It’s a short drive through that corner of Maryland but one that I thoroughly enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if that's the same show the kids and I watched a couple of months ago. It really was interesting, and I think it'll help them identify states by their shapes.


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