Friday, November 05, 2010

Q and A

Are they really your chickens?
No I do not have chickens, my neighbor does. I’ll admit when he first got them I wasn’t real happy about it. He seems to think he lives on a farm, but only has about an acre and a third, and on it has had all kinds of animals, from a miniature horse to goats, sheep and assorted feathered flocks. I used to love the geese, perfect guard animals. They would squawk and carry on every time we went near the fence. Then they got used to me and used to just call at me when I went outside. The goats were a hoot, climbing on everything in his yard from the kids play fort to his pool deck. Was always funny to look over the fence and see a goat sunbathing on the deck. The goats loved our crap apples there were many successful breakouts to get at them. Then came the chickens… when they were little chicks they went right under the fence into our yard. I guess they feel at home here and are here every day now. And Scrappy the rooster is getting used to me, he even came close to the deck today to see what I had for him… my camera and the battery died so I didn’t get any pictures at all.

Did you ever figure out the 2013 retreats?
Yes and no and I’ll know better in 2012.

What will you be working on at this retreat?
Well… I have my Quarter of a Courthouse to put the binding on, that might take me the whole retreat. I also cut out another retreat project, scrappy reds and a white-on-white. And I have my scrappy batik project that I started at the last retreat, all scraps. I’m sure there is more but I doubt I’ll get to whatever it is.

How are the knees? And that other thing you had?
They are still there. Both the knees and the polymyalgia rheumatica are still there and doing OK. I have monthly blood tests to check the pmr, I did OK for several months in a row but my numbers went back up again so I’m still on the prednisone, although very low doses so little or no side effects anymore. And the knees are doing OK, although I am due for more cortisone shots on the 22nd and I’ll admit I’m looking forward to them.

How many people are on the Spring waiting list?
As of yesterday there are six ladies on the waiting list. Payments are due the middle of December so I will know how many people are really coming after that. I will let those on the waiting list know after the first of the year. You can check that at

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