Thursday, November 04, 2010

Rainy day

It’s a rainy day here in Lewes, good day for catching up on things. I printed the mystery clues for the retreat, and even double checked my suitcase… it is all packed and ready to be loaded in the car. All I need it my meds and my toothbrush, which will go in my last minute tote bag.

Do you have a last minute tote bag? I started using one years ago when we’d go on band trips. I’d have things in there like extra white gloves, tissues, and even some illegal Tylenol. I was not allowed to give a student any, but if I happened to leave one on my the seat in the bus and a girl with horrible cramps happened to find it, it wan’t the same, and she felt better. Now I use my last minute tote for things I can’t pack until the last minute or things I remember in the middle of the night before I leave.

While I was checking another bag on the back porch I wondered where the chickens all were, I didn’t see one in the yard. Then one moved and I found their hiding place… guess chickens are all dumb after all.

1 comment:

  1. I have a last minute bag for trips and have been know to be the band chaperone that has everything in that bag.

    I wanted to ask a question and see if I could get a response. What is your secret to successfully blogging so many days during the year. I find myself skipping days and then it is a week. I am trying to get in the habit. Is there a secret?


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