Thursday, August 14, 2008

Back to the routine

Back to the normal life, doing all the normal things… thinking about the last three weeks still. I went grocery shopping this afternoon, and I couldn’t find a darn thing in the store. I know it has been three weeks since I shopped there, but still… of course they are rearranging again, that has to be it. Eventually I found everything.

We had to go grocery shopping on our trip too. When we headed out of Grand Canyon on the way to Vegas we…well John decided we should do laundry. We’d stopped for gas and there was a little Laundromat next door, so he thought it was better there than me doing it alone in Vegas somewhere. (And who knows how much that would have cost!) If you are going to do laundry you have to have soap, and I wasn’t going to pay $2 for a little tiny box that did a half a load, so we went to the grocery store.

The ride down the main street was quite interesting.
Sadly the grocery store could have been anywhere in the US, a brand name store with absolutely nothing inside to show we were in Arizona just outside of the Grand Canyon. Gee, even the McDonalds had Grand Canyon pictures in it.

That is one of the things that really disappointed us on the trip… so many of the towns look alike, nothing to make them any different than any other little town.
But I will admit, Williams may have had a boring grocery store, but I didn’t see any women hanging out of any other main street windows on this trip!

1 comment:

  1. welcome home- I need info on your mystery group.....
    oh and my simply squares made a 16 y/o cry that I made it for her-lol


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