Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter traditions?

Bonnie from Quiltville asked what Easter traditions we have… and I will admit… I really had to think about it. Sadly these days Easter is just another day for us. John is busy taking care of his Aunt and there isn’t a lot of time for anything else. Things there are changing and settling down some, and hopefully will be better soon.

Easter as a child was all about the new dress I didn’t want. Every year Gram would take me shopping for an Easter dress and recommend one after another I didn’t like. She wanted me to have a nice frilly dress like all the other little girls would be wearing, and I didn’t want any part of frilly. She also wanted me to wear a hat to church on Easter Sunday, only that one day a year, and I usually gave in although reluctantly. It wasn’t until eighth grade I got the dress I really wanted, something that was my style and not frilly like all the other girls had… a plain white shirt-dress. I loved it and wore it to every special occasion I could, Easter Sunday, eighth grade graduation and even a wedding.

Another Easter tradition we had as kids was the Easter parade on the boardwalk. No floats or bands, just people walking the boards showing off their finery… it was fun if the weather cooperated.

And of course we went to church, I loved the Easter services. I loved seeing how everyone was dressed, LOL! All those frilly dresses and it tickled me silly watching the girls who were wearing them and how uncomfortable they were. And all the old ladies in their fancy dresses and furs and of course wild hats. Back in those days there was a lot of blue hair, and that got me laughing too. I know more than one time I was disciplined for looking the wrong way during the service as I checked out all the people.

I don’t remember any BIG Easter baskets or presents, but we did get a small basket with a chocolate egg and or a bunny. We tried not to overdo the baskets with our boys when they came along too. But they would get a present of some kind along with their baskets. When they got older we made it a game, like a scavenger hunt, with clues all over leading them to their present and basket. I think they enjoyed it.. I’ll have to ask them.
PS the pictures are from my yard, front above and here's some of the back yard, showing off the lovely spring colors we so enjoy.

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