Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why didn’t I blog yesterday?

Kathy wanted to know why I didn’t blog yesterday…. I guess I just plain forgot.  I had a busy day, running errands, lunching with a friend and then more errands.  When I got home and got all the groceries put away I got hit with a whopper headache and I did little of nothing until I crawled into bed at 9:30. 

Then I woke up this morning in panic mode, too much to do.  Tuesday I sent out my first 100 day email, announcing to the first group of fall retreaters that their retreat was just 100 days away.  That’s put me in that panic mode!  Less than 100 days to get ready for a month long retreat for me.  Yes, a whole month, well almost, I will not be coming home between retreats this year. 

So less than 100 days to get serious about retreat projects, six are on the way to the quilter tomorrow.

Time to get serious about packing, piles are getting higher and wider in the sewing room. I sure hope everything I need for four retreats will fit in my Escape. 

Time to get serious about packing personal projects, what can I do to keep myself busy for a whole month!  Do I take UFOs or start making more? 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, a month of sewing with like minded fabric fanatics! But poor John, he'll be so lonely!


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