Thursday, September 04, 2008


A non-quilting friend, yes I do have some of those, emailed me and asked me to explain PIGs… she couldn’t understand why I had swine in my new sewing room. (Seriously, she thought I had started collecting stuffed pigs… no way Connie. As a matter of fact I’m trying to decide how I can nicely get rid of some of my stuffed animals… I have too many of them!)

So for all you non-quilters…
PIGs are Project in Grocery Sacks, only mine are zip lock bags. I also have PIBs, Projects in Boxes, Projects in Bins and Projects in Baskets.
A WIP is a Work in Progress… I have LOTS of those.
A UFO is not a flying saucer … it is a UnFinished Object. You could almost call this room full of UFOs if you counted my fabrics as UFOs… But technically, in quilter speak, a WIP becomes a UFO when you stop working on it to start another project. You already know I have lots of those.

Some people have HSYs, (pronounced hissy) which means Haven't Started Yet. I don’t use that acronym myself… I have too many of them. There are also WHIMMs, Work Hidden In My Mind, I have lots of those too.

And where does all this start? You go on a FART (Fabric Acquisition Road Trip) and have SEX (Stash Enhancing eXperience) to acquire the PIGs (Projects in Grocery Sacks).. The PIGs (Projects in Grocery Sacks) become HSYs (Haven't Started Yet) and eventually WIPs (Work in Progress). Then some other PIG (Project in Grocery Sack) calls to you and your WIP (Work in Progress) becomes a UFO (UnFinished Object).

Now... aren’t you sorry you asked?

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