Tuesday, March 01, 2011

UFO list

I was updating my UFO list to put on line last night when I needed excel help, so asked John (my DH) to help me. He did, then asked me what the list was… I told him and he looked at me and said “Those are ALL UFOs?” I said yes quite proudly, only 44 unfinished quilt projects. However, he thought that was a HIGH number, that many unfinished quilts… I know darn well I’ve talked to him about this in the past, but I guess the shock of his wife having over 150 UFOs erased that from his memory.

I am quite proud of those 44 UFOs, and hopefully by the end of March I will have that number down considerably, I have seven newly quilted quilts that will need bindings… surely I can do seven bindings in a month, right?


  1. You can absolutely do seven bindings in a month!

  2. I put a column for what stage it is in. This allowed me to sort all my needs binding for example together. When I was working down my UFOs I worked to get them all to needs quilting stage as diligently as possible. It was a fun game to play.


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