Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Ran out of bobbin thread

I know, everyone does that, but I had a full bobbin in there. Well almost. I rewound the bobbin late in the afternoon, and barely did any sewing at all before I picked up the quilt and took it downstairs to tie some loose ends.

However, I know why I ran out of bobbin thread… when I finished quilting that last fish I was so happy to be done… I picked up the quilt, my favorite finishing needle and scissors and headed downstairs. When I finally got around to tying ends I found a very long bobbin thread… all the way from my quilt and up the stairs to the bobbin...…

Here's another one of my fish.


  1. Sounds like something I'd do!

  2. Aloha, Jo11:59 PM

    What is that set of initials? ROTFL!!!! I am! Aloha, Jo


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