Friday, August 20, 2010

Life is different after school

Yes, once you graduate life is very different. Then you have kids and life becomes different again, your life rotates around their school. It starts right with pre-school and goes through college. Then life starts getting different all over again. This is the third September that I won’t have kids going back to school. I see many blogs where quilters are either rejoicing or not over back to school time. I have friends who are teachers who are either already in school or getting ready to start very soon. And the school busses across the street are getting prepared too, getting washed and gassed up for first day, which is still two weeks away here.

My sleep schedule will change when school starts because of those busses. For the first few days of school I hear them start up and pull out of the driveway. I remember the first year the boys were in college… I heard the buses start and jumped out of bed thinking we’d over slept… then I remembered they were away, on their own. Thank goodness they made it though, although I have no idea how many classes they missed due to sleeping in.. nor do I want to know.

One good thing about school starting, that means that fall is coming, and soon it will be retreat time… I’m ready for a retreat. Time away with the ladies and quilting 24 hours a day… or as long as I can stay awake anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm...retreat. I haven't been to one (yet), but it's certainly on my list of things to do this year!

    By the way, thanks so much for sharing that Scrappy Hearts site for me. I won't use it for this quilt now as my pieces are already cut, but I saved it for later. I searched other hearts, but I just love that pattern!


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