Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lottery winner?

I bought a Powerball ticket yesterday, I was sure I was going to win for some reason. After I posted my blog I ran a few errands. Something I used to do a lot, but haven’t for a long time. Running errands had been too much for me to handle, so I only did one or two things on my outings. However yesterday I was brave and had a list of things to do…
Take John’s shirts and pants to the laundry… done
Mail packages… done
Go to bank… done
Unscheduled was running into a friend while waiting for traffic to move in a parking lot. Always nice to run into someone unexpectedly like that, especially Joan.
Grocery shopping… done. What a chore that has become. Standing for a long time still is a problem and grocery stores don’t have any chairs in them, anyone ever notice that? But I got it done.
Then the next chore, bringing in the groceries and putting them away… done.
While I was at the grocery store I happened to walk by the service counter and overheard a man buying a lottery ticket… I didn’t know they sold them… so I bought one. This morning I checked and I have five numbers right,
one on each one of the five numbers I bought. Sadly they don’t add up, so all I did was contribute $5 to the pot. Hope whoever wins it appreciates my $5.

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