Tuesday, July 27, 2010


That was one of my favorite Beatles songs, but that’s another story, LOL! Yesterday was a shaky day and I got to see the specialist again. She lowered the prednisone dosage again and said that might help the shakes. I sure hope so. She also answered a lot of other questions, so I think I am ready to deal with this polywhatever a little better.

I sewed when I got home, quilting a few of the miniatures I’ve made for Ami’s Houston showing of the AAQI. I had hoped to send her 100… now I will be pleased if I send ten, even if they are my own ten. So far I’ve gotten one from other people, but am told more are on the way .

Maybe if I tell them what the prize is… but I thought it would be nice to have a surprise gift for their efforts? It is a very nice gift, retails for $50 and will really “light” up the winners’ sewing life.

Today is starting out shaky too, but I still plan to sew some more… I have another hopefully creative idea for miniatures.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marge, I hope the new dose of Prednisone helps get rid of the shakes. I am almost finished with my mini quilt and will mail it to you by Monday.


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